How Design can Create a Community

How Design can Create a Community

Have you ever paused to wonder how communities are made? It's a fragile, complex and enriching process when a suburb becomes a neighbourhood, when a city becomes a society. While writing a recent story on the subject for Houzz, I discovered some inspiring residential architecture and designs that aim to connect people and create communities. And [...]

How Neuroarchitecture is Changing the Future of Design

How Neuroarchitecture is Changing the Future of Design

This year I have been fortunate to interview some extraordinary neuroscientists about the exciting new field of neuroarchitecture – a fascinating topic I've written about for Houzz in Australia and for Roca Galleries throughout Spain and Europe. So it's understandable that I am often asked about neuroarchitecture. Why is it so important? How is it [...]

Greetings and Welcome to Casa Communications

Greetings and Welcome to Casa Communications

Hello and thanks for visiting Casa Communications' little corner of the web. I'm Julia Fairley, a Sydney-based freelance writer and founder of this exciting new adventure, which mixes wordsmithery with the world's finest ideas and designs. If you’re reading this inaugural blog post, you’re either interested in architecture, design and interiors or are my mother. Either [...]